銀繊維「150回の性能耐久テスト」データー 「シーセル」


繊維には「ミネラル・ビタミンが含まれることを確認」 スマートファイバー社

「トコフェノール(ビタミンE) ナトリウム カルシウム マグネシウム」存在を確認

アミノ酸 University od Applied Sciences Bingen


皮膚への影響 アレルギー パッチテスト

XTaticは米国の「感染症対策 製品 100選に選ばれました」

X-STATIC® is among 100 Infection Prevention Products to Know
by noble | Mar 27, 2014 | News |
Becker’s Hospital Review recently published its list of Top 100 Infection Prevention Products to know! The list outlines products according to category and is a great resource for both the seasoned and novice infection preventionist alike.
X-STATIC® Antimicrobial Technology was featured as a must-know product in the textiles category. Textiles, or soft surfaces, in healthcare are often overlooked when it comes to infection prevention, despite recent attention from regulatory agencies. For example, in one recent survey of infection preventionists, 96 percent used privacy curtains in patient rooms, but 37 percent changed them “only when visibly soiled.” In addition, some changed curtains only every three months or once per year!
It’s important to address these soft surfaces –privacy curtains, uniforms, lab coats and bed linens – in a more complete prevention program to effectively break the chain of infection. Healthcare fabrics powered by X-STATIC® are safe, continuously active surfaces that work to reduce the amount of bacteria in the environment.
1. DeAngelis DL, Khakoo, R. DeAngeleis, D.L. Hospital Privacy Curtains: Cleaning and Changing Policies – Are We Doing Enough? American Journal of Infection Control. 2013;41.6:S33.

コットンでは18時間で菌が1000倍 Xstatic はたった60分で銀繊維の99.9%を抗菌

STUDY: Compression stockings for preventing
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Sep 14
Compression stockings for preventing deep vein thrombosis in airline passengers.
Clarke MJ1, Broderick C, Hopewell S, Juszczak E, Eisinga A.
Author information
1Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University Belfast, Institute of Clinical Sciences, Block B, Royal Victoria Hospital, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, BT12 6BJ.
Air travel might increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It has been suggested that wearing compression stockings might reduce this risk. This is an update of the review first published in 2006.
To assess the effects of wearing compression stockings versus not wearing them for preventing DVT in people travelling on flights lasting at least four hours.
For this update the Cochrane Vascular Information Specialist (CIS) searched the Specialised Register (10 February 2016). In addition, the CIS searched the Cochrane Register of Studies (CENTRAL (2016, Issue 1)).
Randomised trials of compression stockings versus no stockings in passengers on flights lasting at least four hours. Trials in which passengers wore a stocking on one leg but not the other, or those comparing stockings and another intervention were also eligible.
Two review authors independently selected trials for inclusion and extracted data. We sought additional information from trialists where necessary.
One new study that fulfilled the inclusion criteria was identified for this update. Eleven randomised trials (n = 2906) were included in this review: nine (n = 2821) compared wearing graduated compression stockings on both legs versus not wearing them; one trial (n = 50) compared wearing graduated compression tights versus not wearing them; and one trial (n = 35) compared wearing a graduated compression stocking on one leg for the outbound flight and on the other leg on the return flight. Eight trials included people judged to be at low or medium risk of developing DVT (n = 1598) and two included high-risk participants (n = 1273). All flights had a duration of more than five hours.Fifty of 2637 participants with follow-up data available in the trials of wearing compression stockings on both legs had a symptomless DVT; three wore stockings, 47 did not (odds ratio (OR) 0.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.04 to 0.25, P < 0.001; high-quality evidence). There were no symptomless DVTs in three trials. Sixteen of 1804 people developed superficial vein thrombosis, four wore stockings, 12 did not (OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.13, P = 0.09; moderate-quality evidence). No deaths, pulmonary emboli or symptomatic DVTs were reported. Wearing stockings had a significant impact in reducing oedema (mean difference (MD) -4.72, 95% CI -4.91 to -4.52; based on six trials; low-quality evidence). A further two trials showed reduced oedema in the stockings group but could not be included in the meta-analysis as they used different methods to measure oedema. No significant adverse effects were reported.
There is high-quality evidence that airline passengers similar to those in this review can expect a substantial reduction in the incidence of symptomless DVT and low-quality evidence that leg oedema is reduced if they wear compression stockings. Quality was limited by the way that oedema was measured. There is moderate-quality evidence that superficial vein thrombosis may be reduced if passengers wear compression stockings. We cannot assess the effect of wearing stockings on death, pulmonary embolism or symptomatic DVT because no such events occurred in these trials. Randomised trials to assess these outcomes would need to include a very large number of people.